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Hollywood Celebs Fight Back on Abortion

While most Hollywood celebs are liberal and pro-choice, some are not. As several have jumped into the fray supporting Planned Parenthood despite the undercover videos exposing them for selling aborted baby parts, other celebs are now becoming vocal against Planned Parenthood.

For example, Planned Parenthood’s advertising programs specifically target African-American women, and this has one Hollywood actress fighting back. African-American actress Stacey Dash has written and spoken vehemently against Planned Parenthood’s practices.

Dash is best known for her appearances on the television series CSI. In response to Planned Parenthood’s claims of providing vital health services for black women, Dash says if Planned Parenthood is really pro-woman and pro-minorities they need to be empowering black women to care for their children instead of pressuring them into abortion. Dash goes on further to say that black lives do matter, and that includes black unborn children.

Cheers and Frasier. Grammer started a firestorm recently when he and his wife posted a photo on Instagram of Grammer in a t-shirt displaying a handgun with the words Would it bother us more if they used guns? Social media went ballistic with posts both for and against his statement.

The whole thing was picked up immediately by the ABC show The View, which is well known for its very liberal pro-choice views. Whoopi Goldberg started by claiming she was unsure she understood the quote. The lone pro-life voice in the five-woman panel, Paula Faris, attempted to explain the quote to Whoopi that when children are affected by gun violence, that gets our immediate attention, but when children are aborted, it seems like we just do not care. She went on to say that 3,000 children are killed by guns each year and over 700,000 are killed by abortion. This sent Whoopi into a rant that went on and on. Clearly, Grammer had struck a nerve.

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